Key Findings from Medscape Report on Physician Burnout, Depression

  1. 49% of surveyed physicians feel burned out and 20% said they were depressed. In last year's report
  2. the rates were 53% and 23%
  3. respectively.
  4. 83% of doctors surveyed cited professional stress as the primary contributor to their burnout and/or depression.
  5. 62% cited the number of work-related bureaucratic tasks as the primary reason for burnout.
  6. Spending too many hours at work was a contributing factor for 41%
  7. and lack of respect from administrators
  8. employers
  9. and coworkers was a contributing factor for 40%.
  10. 48% of the physicians surveyed felt their employers do not recognize the pervasiveness of burnout among their medical staff.

Source: PRNewswire: New Medscape Report Reveals Progress Among Physician Burnout, Depression, January 24, 2024 -…